DMCA Copyright Notice

Literotica is an online service provider as defined in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. We provide copyright owners with the ability to self-publish on Literotica by uploading, storing and displaying digital media utilizing our services. We do not review all the uploads to our servers by users of our website service. Certain parts of this website allow unmoderated user uploads. Those parts of the site include, but are not limited to, the Literotica Forum and any user photos displayed on the site.

We respect US copyright law and take copyright violation seriously. We vigorously protect the rights of legal copyright owners. If you are the copyright owner of content which has been uploaded to Literotica without your authorization, you must notify Literotica in order for us to identify the allegedly infringing content and take the required action under the DMCA.

To make a report, please contact us via our online feedback form or via email at info at If you use email, you will receive an automated reply from our spam filters which you must respond to if you want your email to be read. If you do not reply to the anti-spam email, your message will not be delivered. You can also send a notification via fax to the US fax number: EIGHT-SEVEN-SEVEN-EIGHT-FOUR-NINE-SIX-TWO-ZERO-THREE. If you wish to contact us via postal mail, please contact us first via email or fax and if you have a valid complaint we will send you the mailing address of the law firm who handles these issues.

You must include the URL of all of the content that you believe has been posted as well as a statement confirming that you are the copyright holder and that you want the material removed. All DMCA notifications sent to Literotica may be published (with personal info removed) to the website


2257 Statement | DMCA Notification.

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